Flower Essences and Spiritual Therapy

By Stacy Fassberg
Written By: Sabina Pettitt, founder of Pacific Essences


Flower Essences & Spiritual Therapy

By Sabina Pettitt

It is nearly 80 years since Edward Bach, a British physician and homeopath, discovered and made available 38 flower essences from the English countryside to be used to "heal the patient and not the disease".

The next wave of flower essences globally emerged in the late 70s and early 80s and Pacific Essences® has the distinction of being part of this wave and is the first Canadian essence company.
In retrospect it always seemed to me that this time was a paradigm shift or a watershed experience - both terms relate to the phenomenon known as the morphogenic field which is a scientific demonstration of our interconnectedness on the planet. Pacific Essences® was inspired by Bach and responded to the call of the nature which grace Mother Earth in our own geographic environ­ments.
Initially those of us involved in flower spirit essences knew nothing of each others' work but by 1990 there was sufficient energy and information circulating the globe that the first international conference on flower essences was held in Grenoble, France.
Those of us who had begun to diligently research the plants in our own area got together and presented some of our early findings to 800 partici­pants at that conference.
Following Bach's protocol, the first wave of developers researched the healing potential of other than the original 38 English plants.
The procedure is to find plants in pristine natural environments only in the morning, to be attracted by a plant, cut some blossoms and place them in a crystal bowl filled with spring water until the unique energy of the plant is imprinted on the water. Now with the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, The Message from Water, we can more easily see how water holds the memory of whatever it comes in contact with. With Dr. Emoto's published pictures of water crystals, it is much easier to comprehend that an essence made from "Blue Camas" and an essence made from "Nootka Rose" could offer completely different healing possibilities, despite that they both look and smell the same in the final product. And, in fact, Blue Camas is specifically used for integrating the left and right hemispheres of the brain and is particularly helpful for leaming disabilities like dyslexia or other learning disabilities such as making the same mistakes over and over again.
Nootka Rose is the essence, bar none, for "spiritual crisis". In fact I had one student refer to Nootka Rose as "the Prozac of flower essences".

At the simplest level, plants make us "feel good". They are our companions on the earth journey. We have used them in our celebrations and rights-of-passage cross-culturally and throughout time. We have used their chemistry for herbal medicine and many herbs have become the model or precursors for pharmaceuticals.

Essence therapy is based on a fundamental understand­ing that the body has an innate intelligence to heal itself. In western medicine this fundamental principle is called homeostasis.

At another level, with the influx of information about eastern healing traditions - traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda - we have become ready to embrace a new model of healing which must include all aspects of the human being - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

I have coined the phrase "multi-dimensional homeosta­sis" because all of these aspects must be addressed in a holistic model of health and healing. And essences are providing that resonance or "attractor pattern", which can assist in shifting disease at whatever level and is required to bring us back to balance, health and the wholeness of being that which we are.

This article was originally published on True Blue Spirit Magazine http://www.naturespiritearthmarket.com/#!magazine/jph1q